Paris bus maps and timetables for bus lines 480 through to 489

Below are the bus timetables along with route maps showing bus stops, transport connections and street plans for Paris bus lines 480 through to 489, that are available in PDF and image file formats, as well as in large or small file sizes, making these ideal for download to any mobile device or home computer system.

Paris bus maps - Central Bus Lines  01-09  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70-79  80-89  90-99  100-109  110-119  120-129  130-139  140-149  150-159  160-169  170-179  180-189  190-199  200-209  210-219  220-229  230-239  240-249  250-259  260-269  270-279  280-289  290-299  300-309  310-319  320-329  330-339  340-349  350-359  360-369  370-379  380-389  390-399  400-409  420-429  430-439  440-449  450-459  460-469  470-479  480-489  490-499  500-509  510-519  520-529  530-539  540-549  550-559  560-569  570-579  580-589  590-599  610-619  620-629  700-709  Abeilles Buses  Batobus  Big Bus  DM Buses  Express A14  Fileo Buses CDG1  GO C Orly Shuttle Bus  Le Bus Direct  Magical Shuttle  OrlyBus  R4 Bus  RoissyBus  T'Bus CDG1  TICE Buses  Tootbus  TVM Bus  TZen Buses  Versailles Express  Vitavil  -  Noctilien Night Buses

Paris bus 480 map for Orly Airport to Gare de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges with stops and connections

Paris Orly Airport bus 480 map with stops and connections
Here we have the Paris Bus 480 that is run by the transport company Keolis and travelling between Gare de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Aeroport Orly 1-2-3, it also stops at Orly Airport Terminal 4 along with having several other bus stops like Porte de l'Essonne, Les Guyards, Gare d'Ablon, Lycee Brassens etc. which replaced the original Keolis Bus 8 in 2021.

Paris bus line 480 stops:

Aeroport Orly 1-2-3, Aeroport Orly 4, Porte de l'Essonne, Maison de l'Environnement, Parc Central, DGAC, Rue du Musse, Les Guyards, Chateau, Tamaris le Parc, Sacre Coeur, Gare d'Ablon, Brossolette, Lycee Brassens, Weddingen, Raoul Delattre, Pont de Villeneuve-le-Roi, Gare de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

Paris bus line 480 main transport connections:

Train lines: C, D.
Tram line: T7.
Bus lines: 91-10, 183, 191-100, 285, 292, 482, 483, 486, 487, A, B, DM8, G1, G2, H, J1, J2, K, Licorne, N22, N31, N131, N132, N133, N134, N135, N144, OrlyBus.

Paris bus 480 route maps available:

Orly Bus Line 480 map - PDF (1.139 MB)
Orly Bus Line 480 map - Image (1.297 MB)

Paris bus 480 timetables:

Orly Bus 480 timetables - PDF (3.080 MB)
Orly Bus 480 timetables - Image (8.304 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 485 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 485 map with stops and connections
This next map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 485 that travels between Athis-Mons - Noyer-Renard and Athis-Mons - Delalande - Pasteur, which has bus stops in between including Les Oiseaux, Espace Michelet, Coquelicots, Pyramide de Juvisy, Trois Ormes, Place Henri Deudon, Place de l'Eglise, and Clos Nollet, and several others.

Paris bus line 485 stops:

Athis-Mons - Noyer-Reynard, Plein Midi, Espace Michelet, Jardiniers, Les Oiseaux, Condorcet, Progres, Normann, Pasteur, Conquelicots, Mutualite, Pyramide de Juvisy, Belle Etoile, Belle Etoile - La Pompe, Trois Ormes, President Denis, La Plaine, Panorama, Sembat, Albert Sarraut, La Poste, Place Henri Deudon, Place de l'Eglise, Cimetiere, Saint-Charles, Clos Nollet, Athis-Mons - Delalande - Pasteur.

Paris bus line 485 main transport connections:

Bus lines: 285, 385, 399, 486, 487, 488, Athis Cars 8, DM8.

Paris bus 485 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 485 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.501 MB)
RATP Bus Line 485 map - PDF (high quality - 1.645 MB)
RATP Bus Line 485 map - Image (standard quality - 0.495 MB)
RATP Bus Line 485 map - Image (high quality - 1.075 MB)

Paris bus 485 timetables:

RATP Bus 485 timetables - PDF (0.678 MB)
RATP Bus 485 timetables - Image (1.975 MB)
Paris RATP bus stop disabled signs

RATP Paris bus line 486 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 486 map with stops and connections
Now the map above shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 486, and this route goes from Athis-Mons - Porte de l'Essonne to Juvisy RER with over 20 additional bus stops in between like the Centre Sportif, Mairie de Paray-Vieille-Poste, Place Guynemer, Square Cheveaux, Place Henri Barbusse, Ecole Jean Jaures, and the Mairie de Juvisy, etc. However, the timetables have not currently been updated from when the Juvisy stop was having construction work, hence showing it stopped at Marche de Juvisy.

Paris bus line 486 stops:

Athis-Mons - Porte de l'Essonne, Centre Sportif, Henri Barbusse, Mairie de Paray-Vieille-Poste**, Maxime Vedy, Gabriel Peri, Noyer - Renard, Plein Midi, Jardiniers*, Buisson**, Saint-Saens - Les Oiseaux**, Saint-Saens*, Debussy - Champagne, Palombes, Place Guynemer, Guynemer*, Square Cheveaux, Violettes*, Poste**, Place Henri Barbusse*, Ecole Jean Jaures, Mairie de Juvisy, Piver, Hopital de Juvisy*, Marche de Juvisy*, Juvisy RER.

* Stop served in the direction of Athis-Mons - Porte de l'Essonne.
** Stop served in the direction of Juvisy RER.

Paris bus line 486 main transport connections:

Train lines: C, D.
Tram line: T7.
Bus lines: 8, 191.100, 285, 292, 385, 399, 485, 487, DM8.

Paris bus 486 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 486 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.511 MB)
RATP Bus Line 486 map - PDF (high quality - 1.676 MB)
RATP Bus Line 486 map - Image (standard quality - 0.492 MB)
RATP Bus Line 486 map - Image (high quality - 1.074 MB)

Paris bus 486 timetables:

RATP Bus 486 timetables - PDF (1.127 MB)
RATP Bus 486 timetables - Image (2.963 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 487 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 487 map with stops and connections
Whereas this map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP bus line 487, which goes from Athis-Mons - Porte de l'Essonne through to Juvisy-sur-Orge RER and this route has additional bus stops on the way such as Centre Commercial - Rigolet, Place Henri Deudon, Place de l'Eglise, Place de Mons, Rue d'Ablon, Athis-Mons RER, Lycee Marcel Pagnol, Lycee Jean Monnet and Marche de Juvisy, etc. But again, please note that the timetables have not currently been updated from when the Juvisy-sur-Orge RER stop was under construction works and not being served.

Paris bus line 487 stops:

Athis-Mons - Porte de l'Essonne, Centre Commercial - Rigolet**, Aristide Briand, Belle Etoile, Belle Etoile - La Pompe**, La Plaine, Sembat*, Albert Sarraut**, La Poste**, Place Henri Deudon*, Place de l'Eglise**, Cimetiere*, Saint-Charles**, Clos Nollet, Delalande - Pasteur, Clos de Bretigny*, Place de Mons*, Dagobert**, Rue d'Ablon, ZA Guyards, Chateau d'Ablon, Caron, Caron - Gunsbourg**, Gunsbourg**, Les Fontaines, Athis-Mons RER, Provence, Edouard Vaillant, Cottage, Coubertin, Cite Mozart, Docteur Guerin, Lycee Marcel Pagnol, Lycee Jean Monnet, Marche de Juvisy, Juvisy-sur-Orge RER.

* Stop served in the direction of Athis-Mons - Porte de l'Essonne.
** Stop served in the direction of Juvisy-sur-Orge RER.

Paris bus line 487 main transport connections:

Train lines: C, D.
Tram line: T7.
Bus lines: 3, 8, 191.100, 285, 292, 385, 399, 485, 486, 488, Bus DM8.

Paris bus 487 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 487 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.537 MB)
RATP Bus Line 487 map - PDF (high quality - 1.827 MB)
RATP Bus Line 487 map - Image (standard quality - 0.546 MB)
RATP Bus Line 487 map - Image (high quality - 1.182 MB)

Paris bus 487 timetables:

RATP Bus 487 timetables - PDF (0.954 MB)
RATP Bus 487 timetables - Image (2.661 MB)
Paris RATP bus on Pont au Change

RATP Paris bus line 488 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 488 map with stops and connections
But the last map for this section shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 488 that travels from Athis-Mons - Place Henri Deudon to Juvisy-sur-Orge RER with additional bus stops like Cimetiere, Place de l'Eglise, La Poste by the Parc d'Ozonville, Cite Mozart, Lycee Marcel Pagnol, Lycee Jean Monnet and Marche de Juvisy to name a few. Yet once again, the timetables have not yet been updated from when the Juvisy-sur-Orge RER stop was under construction work and not being served.

Paris bus line 488 stops:

Athis-Mons - Place Henri Deudon, Cimetiere*, Saint-Charles*, Albert Sarraut**, Place de l'Eglise*, La Poste*, Centre Administratif**, Coubertin, Cite Mozart, Docteur Guerin, Lycee Marcel Pagnol, Lycee Jean Monnet, Marche de Juvisy, Juvisy-sur-Orge RER.

* Stop served in the direction of Athis-Mons - Place Henri Deudon.
** Stop served in the direction of Juvisy-sur-Orge RER.

Paris bus line 488 main transport connections:

Train lines: C, D.
Bus lines: 8, 399, 485, 487.

Paris bus 488 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 488 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.478 MB)
RATP Bus Line 488 map - PDF (high quality - 1.527 MB)
RATP Bus Line 488 map - Image (standard quality - 0.492 MB)
RATP Bus Line 488 map - Image (high quality - 1.042 MB)

Paris bus 488 timetables:

RATP Bus 488 timetables - PDF (0.595 MB)
RATP Bus 488 timetables - Image (1.606 MB)