Paris T Zen 1 bus line route maps and timetables

The T Zen is a high level bus service that operates in a similar way to that of a tram line, even though it is still a bus, and looking rather futuristic compared to the look of a conventional bus, this service operates in the Ile de France and Paris region.

Paris bus maps - Central Bus Lines  01-09  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70-79  80-89  90-99  100-109  110-119  120-129  130-139  140-149  150-159  160-169  170-179  180-189  190-199  200-209  210-219  220-229  230-239  240-249  250-259  260-269  270-279  280-289  290-299  300-309  310-319  320-329  330-339  340-349  350-359  360-369  370-379  380-389  390-399  400-409  420-429  430-439  440-449  450-459  460-469  470-479  480-489  490-499  500-509  510-519  520-529  530-539  540-549  550-559  560-569  570-579  580-589  590-599  610-619  620-629  700-709  Abeilles Buses  Batobus  Big Bus  DM Buses  Express A14  Fileo Buses CDG1  GO C Orly Shuttle Bus  Le Bus Direct  Magical Shuttle  OrlyBus  R4 Bus  RoissyBus  T'Bus CDG1  TICE Buses  Tootbus  TVM Bus  TZen Buses  Versailles Express  Vitavil  -  Noctilien Night Buses

Paris T Zen 1 bus line stops, connections and street plan

Paris T Zen 1 Bus Line Map With Stops, Connections And Street Plan
Here you can see a map showing the 14 stops for the T Zen 1 line that travels between Lieusaint-Moissy Gare and Corbeil-Essonnes Gare on a route of just over 15km with over 9 of those being on their own dedicated lanes, making the entire trip a time of approximately 30 minutes with stops at key points like a university.

Paris T Zen 1 bus line stops:

Lieusaint-Moissy Gare, Universite, Chateau de la Barriere, Carre Canal, Carre Trait d'Union, Carre des Arts, Carre Allee Royale, La Clef de Saint-Pierre, Le Fresne, La Tour Maury, Les Pres Hauts, Pointe Ringale, Zola Gustave Courbet, Corbeil-Essonnes Gare.

Paris T Zen 1 bus line transport connections:

Train line: RER D.
Bus lines: 01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 61A, 61B, 62C, 284.6, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 401, 402, 405, N135, N144, 7001, Citalien.

Paris T Zen 1 bus line map formats available:

T Zen 1 bus line map - PDF (standard quality - 1.261 MB)
T Zen 1 bus line map - PDF (high quality - 2.877 MB)
T Zen 1 bus line map - Image (standard quality - 1.462 MB)
T Zen 1 bus line map - Image (high quality - 2.480 MB)
Paris T Zen bus on route
At present there is only the T Zen 1 in operation (shown on maps as Tzen 1), although routes for T Zen 2, T Zen 3 and T Zen 4 are already underway with constructions works and a T Zen 5 is also planned for an additional route within the Paris region, with the majority of the line being on its own dedicated track, making it a faster service for commuting and also accessible to all, whether it be for pushchairs or wheelchairs, etc.

You will find that these state of the art buses are equipped with air-conditioning, passenger information screens and video surveillance, also being spacious, easily accessible and comfortable, which is the same scenario for the stations themselves that also have real time information on when the next buses will be arriving.

Paris T Zen 1 bus line timetables, stops and transport connections

Paris T Zen 1 Bus Line Timetables
Talking of timetables, at peak hours you will find a frequency of approximately every 5 minutes on a Monday to Friday, although at other times and other days they do vary, so although in the French language, here you can download the entire Tzen 1 timetables, which also incorporates a geographical route map along with ticketing information, etc.

Paris T Zen 1 bus line timetables:

T Zen 1 bus line timetables - PDF (9.780 MB)
T Zen 1 bus line timetables - Image (5.999 MB)

Other Paris bus line maps with stops and connections

Central Bus Lines  01-09  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70-79  80-89  90-99  100-109  110-119  120-129  130-139  140-149  150-159  160-169  170-179  180-189  190-199  200-209  210-219  220-229  230-239  240-249  250-259  260-269  270-279  280-289  290-299  300-309  310-319  320-329  330-339  340-349  350-359  360-369  370-379  380-389  390-399  400-409  420-429  430-439  440-449  450-459  460-469  470-479  480-489  490-499  500-509  510-519  520-529  530-539  540-549  550-559  560-569  570-579  580-589  590-599  610-619  620-629  700-709  Abeilles Buses  Batobus  Big Bus  DM Buses  Express A14  Fileo Buses CDG1  GO C Orly Shuttle Bus  Le Bus Direct  Magical Shuttle  OrlyBus  R4 Bus  RoissyBus  T'Bus CDG1  TICE Buses  Tootbus  TVM Bus  TZen Buses  Versailles Express  Vitavil  -  Noctilien Night Buses