HD photographs of Lion statues on the Grande Galerie Occidentale at Musee du Louvre - Page 550

We were again in the 1st Arrondissement of Paris, but this time walking along by the River Seine and took these high definition photos of the Lion statues by Antoine Louis Barye that are located on the Grande Galerie Occidentale of the Musee du Louvre.

Paris Statues

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Lion statues by Antoine Louis Barye
This first HD photo shows the two lion statues positioned on either side of the entrance to the Musee du Louvre known as the Porte de Lions, which you can see written above the archway, and this takes you into the Cour du Carrousel courtyard from the Quai Francois Mitterrand that runs alongside the River Seine.
LHS Lion statue Porte de Lions
Now this next image shows a close up of the lion statue, which is in a sitting position made to look as though it is guarding the entrance, and produced in bronze, with an identical one on the opposite side, these were put in place in 1868, when numerous additional ornamental statues were being added to the Palais du Louvre and other tourist attractions around Paris.
Lion statues on Grande Galerie Occidentale
However, here you can see more of the facade itself, which is the wing of the Musee du Louvre called the Grand Galerie Occidentale, and these two lions were commissioned to the artist Anoine Louis Barye, who was born in Paris in 1796 and after being admitted to the Ecole des Beaux Arts he became a French sculptor.
Grande Galerie Occidentale Lion statues
Yet his passion was the animal kingdom and he studied different creatures in great detail at the Jardin des Plantes, producing numerous drawings, sketches, etc, so that he could make his creations as life like as possible, and he became one of the most well renowned animaliers of his time, which is why he was chosen to sculpt these exceedingly realistic bronze statues of lions, with the second cast being done only seven years before he passed away.

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