HD photographs of Go away, go away, my sweet Satan sculpture on Pont des Arts - Page 780

We were visiting the Pont des Arts, which is a pedestrian bridge over the River Seine in Paris, and took these high definition photos showing a statue called Vas-t'en, vas-t'en, mon doux Satan that was sculpted by Daniel Hourde.

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Go Away, Go Away, My Sweet Satan sculpture on Pont des Arts
The Pont des Arts used to be known as the Bridge of Love, and people placed padlocks on its railings, however, due to the weight of these causing damage to the footbridge, the City of Paris removed these and replaced the panels with plexi-glass, but now it is home to temporary art exhibitions, just like this contemporary art work, you can see here.
Orange figure of Go Away, Go Away, My Sweet Satan
This next close up photo shows the top part of the statue called Vas-t'en, vas-t'en, mon doux Satan, which in English translates to Go away, go away, my sweet Satan, and this is part of the temporary exhibition by Daniel Hourde called La Passerelle Enchantee, which again translates as The Enchanted Footbridge.
Daniel Hourde sculpture Go Away, Go Away, My Sweet Satan
Now Vas-t'en, vas-t'en, mon doux Satan was originally produced back in 2006, and the idea of the artist was to bring back thoughts of myth and magic, along with art, which is why he used several different materials and themes, in the transition stage of the bridge, which was originally named after when the building you can see behind, was named the Palais des Arts during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Pont des Arts 2016 sculpture Go Away, Go Away, My Sweet Satan
But here you can see a photo showing the entire modern art sculpture by Daniel Hourde, which is running alongside an exhibition at the Galerie Agnes Monplaisir in Paris, and the grotesque man with a head as a skull was made of bronze and designed to look like he is throwing the orange figure of an upside down man off the bridge.
Plaque for Go Away, Go Away, My Sweet Satan sculpture
Yet here is a close up photograph showing the tourist information plaque for the sculpture entitled Go away, go away, my sweet Satan, but as you can see, it also mentions Arbre V, which is Tree 5 of La Passerelle Enchantee temporary installation, that is also positioned on the first platform placed on the Pont des Arts nearest to The Louvre museum.

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